The Bowling Federation By-laws – Mid Atlantic Region – Carolina Region


The Bowling Federation By-Laws Mid Atlantic Carolina Region


Rev. August 7, 2024


About Us


The Bowling Federation is devoted to giving bowlers of all skill levels a taste of competitive team bowling. Competitive team bowling is bowling at its truest form that all bowlers should experience. Giving bowlers competitive, fun, unintimidating environments to experience; this is what the Federation is all about. If you have ever been around college team bowling you know the center is electric, and that excitement is what we are striving for.


Membership Season


The 2024-2025 Bowling Federation membership season consists of regular season matches and position rounds from August through May, (totaling 12 stops) followed by playoffs in June.




  • Each district is allowed a maximum of 13 regional
  • Districts will be realigned as growth or distance is
    • In case of realignment, every effort will be made to maintain existing competitive relationships and avoid undue burden on any franchise.
  • There are 5 Districts for the 2024-2025 season which include Alpha, Bravo, Delta, Echo, and Zulu.


Franchise Ownership



  • Franchise owners are in complete control of the functions of their franchise and are ultimately responsible for franchise compliance with Federation rules and If Franchise would like to purchase a 4×6 Team Banner, they can do so here:
  • The Franchise Owner will submit a roster listing each member of the team and pay the required fees.


Federation New Franchise fees include:



Membership Eligibility


  • Membership in The Bowling Federation is open to all current USBC Standard Membership cardholders, and is secured by joining, or forming, a Federation
  • The purchase of your first jersey includes your membership fee to the Bowling Federation for the current season.
  • Every season after, each bowler must pay $10 to remain eligible for Federation
  • Youth bowlers are not eligible for the Bowling Federation
  • Jersey purchases made during the off season do cover the membership fee for the upcoming season.

·         Each member must be sanctioned through USBC in the current season prior to participating in Federation tour stops, playoffs, and events.

  • Teams are responsible for verifying their members are
  • Teams are responsible for protesting against unsanctioned bowlers during the stop. If requested to show proof, the bowler must be able to show proof of sanction before the bowler throws the next shot.
  • Accepted proof of sanction:
  1. Signed copy of sanction card by league
  2. USBC card (digital or printed accepted)
  3. USBC receipt for current sanction year, if purchased online (digital or printed accepted).
    • If a false sanctioning is provided then the bowler, team owner, and president are subject to suspension.
  • A member suspended from membership in USBC shall be ineligible to participate in all Federation events.


Membership Fees


  • Membership allows Federation members to participate in all certified sanctioned and non-sanctioned events.
  • All Bowling Federation membership fees ($10 per bowler, per year) must be paid prior to participating in any federation tour stop or event.
  • Renewal membership fees can be paid at (


  • If paying for multiple quantities, please email [email protected] who is being paid for.



Franchise Uniforms

  • Each member must wear an official Bowling Federation jersey (CoolWick or grandfathered in Logo Infusion) or CoolWick Federation Team hoodie with their ROSTERED jersey name to bowl regional tour matches and other Federation The bowler’s roster approved jersey/CoolWick hoodie must be always visible while bowling, you cannot wear any clothing on top of or over the jersey/CoolWick hoodie.


  • Any jersey nickname misspellings, typos/characters will not be grounds for
  • There are no restrictions on branding or logos for other clothing or accessories worn during competition.


  • You are not permitted to bowl without your ROSTERED official Bowling Federation Team jersey or CoolWick Federation team hoodie. Any team allowing any member to bowl without their Official jersey/CoolWick hoodie will forfeit all points for the The only exceptions allowed for bowlers to not wear a rostered jersey/CoolWick hoodie is if their jersey was purchased on or before July 1st with proof of purchase. No other organization’s jerseys are to be worn.





  • The Federation will use a true USBC composite average of 21+ games for the last 2 years. If no average is available on com, we will use a current sanctioned league average with 21 games or more.


  • The Federation reserves the right to adjust or re-rate the average of any bowler at any time. If re-rates are brought forth from another organization the re-rate will be


  • If an entering average is not available, the member will bowl scratch, 240, until the bowler has 21+ games in 1 current season sanctioned league, then that updated current league average is used as the floor before each stop bowled. Once the bowler has 9 federation games, they will establish a federation average that is maintained throughout the season, but it can’t fall below the updated current league average floor.


  • Handicap will be set at 80% of


  • If a bowler has a USBC average, after 9 games bowled in Federation, that bowler will establish a federation average. That average will be maintained throughout the season. This rolling federation average is maintained for 2 Once a new season begins the pins/# of games from 2 seasons ago will be removed.


  • There will be a no pin-drop rule in effect. A bowler cannot fall below their true USBC composite average of 21+ games for the last 2 years. Or if they have no composite, a bowler cannot fall below their updated current sanctioned league average of 21+


  • If any bowler (scratch or handicap) has a current league average of 21 games or more, found to be 15 pins or higher, than what average (either entering or federation rolling whichever is higher) will be used for the federation stop, it needs to be reported to the District Manager and bracket runner before the start of the stop. Please show the most updated league standing That bowler’s average will be adjusted for that stop only. If they fall below 15 pins, it no longer needs to be reported. Must be reported to the DM and Bracket runner before each stop for both scratch and handicap entries.


Team Rosters

  • Rosters are mixed and may contain up to 50 Adult bowlers, with no average During the season, roster changes must be sent to the OM via email by 11:59pm on the last day of each month, these changes will go into effect the following month. Bowlers cannot be added to the roster without a nickname.


  • If a team has a roster member that is sanctioned both right-handed and left-handed that bowler is required to take up 2 roster This bowler must designate which hand will be used prior to competition and cannot change hands during the entirety of the match.


  • If a bowler is removed from a roster, to make room for another member, that bowler is ineligible to bowl tour matches for the following 2 stops once back on the same team’s
  • The Director of Operations along with District managers can bowl during the season


Member Status Changes

  • A franchise member’s status can be changed from Active to released, on a franchise roster, by the Franchise Owner or Federation INACTIVE is not a status recognized by the OM. If INACTIVE is observed on a submitted roster those listed as INACTIVE will be released.


  • Franchise members are considered Free Agents during the off-season and may change franchises at any time during those months, without requesting to be Bowlers must inform Federation staff of this request (email [email protected] what team you are leaving, if you notified that team you are leaving, and what new team you are joining).


  • Franchise members who decide to quit their franchise without being released, outside of the Free Agency period, and HAS BOWLED for the team they self-released from will be ineligible for Bowling Federation competition for 3 stops. Suspension begins the date their resignation from the franchise is made official.


  • Franchise members who decide to self-release, outside of the Free Agency period, and have NOT BOWLED for the team they self-released from will be ineligible for Bowling Federation competition for 1 stop. Suspension begins the date their resignation from the franchise is made official.


  • If a member is released by their team owner or president, and wants to join another franchise, the member may do so with no penalty. This includes mid-season changes of status by a team owner or If a bowler self-releases, then the team releases them before the 3 stop penalty is up, the team release voids the stop penalty. That bowler would be eligible to bowl for the new team if on the roster.




  • The season consists of 12 tour matches on 12 stops per season on Sundays with 5 rounds in playoffs over 2 weekends.


  • BYE weeks will be used to balance the schedule in districts with an odd number of
  • Within all 5 districts, teams will have 8 regular tour matches, 1 BYE week and 3 position round weeks.


  • Lane assignments will be random for every stop and position
  • With an uneven number of teams in a district for position round the last place team will bowl unopposed.


  • Every team gets a home house stop barring any unforeseen circumstances. Changing home houses to guarantee a home house stop must be completed by the same date as the new franchise deadline for the upcoming season.
    • If multiple teams have the same home house, that home house may get multiple home house stops (2 stops max)
    • Neutrals can be used multiple times if options are
  • Tour Stops will start when designated on the schedule based on the type of stop (1 shift or split shift) or time requested by the bowling center, with 1 hour check in windows.


Lineups / Matches / Tournaments / Events


  • All team matches and tournaments will start at the designated
  • Bowlers or teams who are not checked in or ready at the start of competition will receive a 0 score for any frames that are missed.


  • Bowling Federation tournaments/events will be posted on


Lineup Verification


  • Team lineups for the match are due to the OM via email by 11:59PM the Thursday before the Sunday match.


  • No changing WHO is bowling on the pair after the check in time unless someone is not going to be there.
    • If a bowler in the lineup is not going to be there and a change happens before the start time this will not count as a substitution.


  • The order bowled on the lane does not need to match what is listed on the recap, just need to write scores for the correct bowler.
  • Each team representative needs to initial score sheets after each regular game to ensure accuracy before turning in to DM.


Tour Matches

  • Tour matches will cost $600 per team, per match and is required before a team can begin


  • Expenses taken from tour matches is as follows: lineage (which is designated by each house), $1 per bowler per stop to the OM, and a flat fee of $150 to their district’s DM for running the stop.


  • All Tour Matches will be a 3-game set, followed by 3 Team Baker


  • Each franchise will supply 3 teams of 4 1 scratch team, 1 hybrid team (2 handicap bowlers and 2 scratch bowlers), and 1 handicap team.
  • All Bowling Federation events, tournaments, or matches will get 10 minutes of Franchises may practice up to 4 bowlers per pair.


  • Brackets and Side Pots are offered at each
    • Bowlers enter brackets and side pots at their own
    • Bracket runners are required to provide a bracket/side pot summary to the DM for
    • If there are over 34 brackets, 30% of all bracket earnings will be added to the prize These earnings are designated on the financials file, and the Bracket runner gives these funds to the DM for deposit.


  • Ball Raffles at each district tour stop:
    • Balls to raffle are donated by
    • Earnings brought in from the raffle are put into the prize fund, unless it is requested that earnings from a stop be donated to a cause.
    • These earnings are designated on the financials


  • Substitutions during tour matches:
    • One scratch and one handicap substitute are allowed per
    • If a scratch bowler is substituted out the replacement will be
    • If a handicap bowler is substituted out the replacement will be
    • If a bowler is going to be subbed out, the team representative needs to notify the DM and the opposing team.
    • Substitutions can only occur before the bowler subbed out bowls their first frame of a game.


  • Once a bowler has been subbed out, they cannot enter competition again for the


·         Injured Bowler:

  • If a bowler is injured during practice, they can be replaced, and it will not count as a substitute.


  • If injured during competition and cannot finish the game 1/10th of their average per frame for the remaining game will be used.


·         Lineup Changes:

  • If lineup changes after practice, but before competition this counts as a substitution, unless the bowler is injured during practice.


  • If a bowler in the lineup no shows and the team used a blind, then the bowler shows up to bowl the next game, it will not count as a substitution.


·         Handicap in Tour Matches:

  • Handicap is 80% of 240 for the designated handicap
  • Baker handicap on the handicap pair will be the team handicap divided by
  • Baker handicap on the hybrid pair will be team handicap divided by


·         Scoring of Tour Matches:

  • Each Tour Match will allow the 3 teams to win up to 45 points for their
  • Points will be given for team game wins, team series wins, team Baker wins, overall pins from regular games, and overall pins from Baker games.
    • 3-Game Set Scoring:
      • Points will be earned for each standard game (3 teams x 3 games x 1 point = 9 Max)
      • Points will be earned for each standard series (3 teams x 2 points = 6 Max)
      • Consequently, 15 points are available per team for the 3-game (5 per pair)
    • Baker Set Scoring:
      • Points will be earned for each Bakers competition game (3 teams x 3 games x 1 point = 9 Max)
      • Points will be earned for each Bakers competition series (3 teams x 2 points = 6 Max)
      • Consequently, 15 points are available per team Bakers 3 game (5 per pair)
    • Overall available points:
      • 5 points are awarded for total pins won across all 3 teams from the first 3 regular games.


  • 5 points are awarded for total pins won across all 3 teams for the 3 Baker games.
  • Finally, 5 points are awarded to the team with the highest combined standard and Baker overall pins for the match.


  • Standings will be maintained throughout the season using points per stop until every team has had their BYE week. After this, total points will be used for the standings.


Blind Scores


  • For team competitions, a Blind may be used at 190 with no


  • During the Baker competition, that Blind will be awarded for every 4th frame with a score of gutter 9, gutter 9. The Blind in Baker cannot be the leadoff or anchor bowler. During Baker, no more than one blind score can be used for any lane and the blind, if team has more than one blind score, game score will be 0.


  • When a team on a pair bowls unopposed, during regular, the team must bowl within 10 pins per bowler or 40 pins of the team average. Bowling unopposed during Baker, the team must bowl within 10 pins of the team’s game average. The team may also make modifications to line up when finding out bowling unopposed.


Baker Competition

  • The following guidelines must be adhered to for baker scoring:
    • ABC Secretary Emeritus Frank Baker developed the Baker format. In this Bowling Federation Baker format, the leadoff bowler rolls the 1st, 5th, and 9th frames, the second bowler rolls the 2nd, 6th, and 10th frames, the third bowler rolls the 3rd and 7th frames, and the fourth bowler rolls the 4th and 8th

Lane Courtesy


  • To maintain a steady pace and keep on schedule one lane courtesy is Only bowlers in competition or team officials may enter the pit area.


  • District manager reserves the right to warn teams delaying the


  • Consequences:
    • The First offense is a
    • On the Second offense the team will receive a zero for all frames left in the
    • After the Third offense the team will be removed from the


  • Unsportsmanlike conduct including but not limited to taunting, heckling, or other distracting behavior needs to be reported to It will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the Director of Operations and/or District Manager to determine proper judgment.


  • Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated in any capacity and proper authorities will be called to assess the incident.

Altering Ball Surfaces


  • Follow USBC rules
  • Per USBC the dry towel rule is now
  • Per USBC rules altering surfaces of bowling balls are prohibited after
  • The ball altered will be removed from
  • Intentional violation will result in forfeiture of game or frame (Bakers), that the violation
  • Per USBC all holes drilled into the bowling ball must be


Score Verification


  • Before turning in the recap to the DM, the score keeper must get their team representative and opposing team representative to verify and initial score sheets after each regular game. Scores will not be entered unless there are the 2 representatives initials.


  • If intentionally writing incorrect scores, the penalty is forfeiture of all points for the match with the opponent automatically getting all points. The score keeper and designated team representative for the team writing the incorrect scores will be suspended. Along with that team no longer allowed to score keep.


  • Franchise owners, team captains and members are responsible for score Once match sheet is signed or team representative has left those scores typed in are official. No changes will be made to the scores after this.


Position Round Eligibility

  • A bowler must have bowled 6 games with current franchise, in the current season to be eligible for the FINAL position round. Other position rounds there are no game


  • If a bowler is listed with a Right-hand and Left-hand membership, only the hand with 6 games or more is eligible to be used. (EX: Left hand used for 4 games, but Right hand used for 8; then the right hand ONLY is eligible to be used for Position round/Playoffs.)


  • If the 1st place team has locked up their district before the final position round, they will bowl the last place team or the blind if applicable.




  • To qualify for playoffs, you must be in the Top 4 of your respective Playoff location(s) will work to be secured by September 1st.
  • Bowlers must have 6 games with their current franchise, in the current season to be playoff eligible.
  • If there is a tie in the standings after the final position round a 1 match roll off will be bowled to determine which team will advance to playoffs. It will be at a neutral location within the district, scheduled the Sunday after the position round. No match fee will be collected, however losing team will be responsible for total lineage of the match (90 games bowled per match).


  • Playoffs will be 5 rounds over 2 weekends as follows:
    • RD 1: At a neutral on a Saturday 1v4 and 2v3 in each district bowl tour stop match with winners advancing
      • 10 Winners are seeded 1-10 based on total season points+round 1 playoff points and bowl a 10-team single elimination bracket below as follows
    • RD 2: Would be the next day (Sunday AM) at a neutral with seeds 1-6 receiving a bye for the round with 7v10 & 8v9 bowl tour stop match with winners advancing.
    • RD 3: Would be the same Sunday in the PM at the same neutral with 1v winner of 7/10, 2v winner of 8/9, 3v6, and 4v5 bowl tour stop match with winners
    • RD 4: Would be a different Sunday AM at a neutral with winner of 1v7/10 V winner of 4v5 and winner of 2v8/9 V winner of 3v6 bowl tour stop match with winners advancing to grad champ match.


  • RD 5: Would be Sunday PM following RD 4 at same neutral with the winners from RD 4 bowl each other for the Grand Championship tour stop format.



  • Bowlers’ averages will be recalculated after each


  • In the event of a playoffs tie a 5-man Baker, best of 3 where the higher seed chooses scratch or handicap will be used to break the tie. IF Handicap, the handicap of the 5 bowlers chosen to bowl will be divided by 5 to determine Handicap The hybrid pair will be used to bowl the tie breaker, and each bowler gets 2 balls per lane of practice.


Protests & Punishments


  • Averages, jerseys, or any other outcome changing protests (anything non typo related or input error) must be filed before the last ball is thrown of the 1st game the protested bowler bowls.


  • Protest filed to DM in charge via email or FB message. DM will then notify opposing team that a protest has been filed against said bowler.


  • The DM in charge will submit the protest in an anonymous manner to the other district DMs. Those DMs will discuss and decide the outcome. The DM in charge will then deliver the protest outcome to the teams involved.
  • If an appeal is warranted it gets filed to the DM in The DM in charge presents all the information to the Rules Committee & OM to make the final decision (no further


protest/appeal after final decision).


  • If an incorrect average is reported during game 1, the bowler receives 0 for that game then the average is updated for future games of the If the incorrect average is not reported until after the completion of game 1, the scores will stand, and the bowlers average will be updated for future games of the match.


  • If an ineligible bowler is used and reported during game 1, the bowler receives 0s and must be subbed out (refer to Regional Tour section for substitute rules). If an ineligible bowler is used and reported after game 1, the scores will stand. If protested, a bowler punishment will be evaluated by rules committee.


  • Going forward, teams will need to comment under OM post on the Federation Presidents page that you have seen it to ensure there is no questions, comments, or concerns. If it is questioned after the fact, OM post will hold the weight/truth.

Physical Altercations

  • The Bowling Federation observes a zero-tolerance for fights that occur at Bowling Federation All altercations will be evaluated internally by staff and disciplinary action will be determined on a case-by-case basis.


  • Aggressive behavior will not be tolerated at the stops, if bowlers or team reps can’t remain calm & professional with the DMs and bracket runners, they will be given a warning to calm down. If they continue, they will be required to leave that stop with a probable future A third offense, the OM will determine the punishment based on severity.


  • Any violation of the By Laws, by a member on probation, will result in a minimum 3- month suspension, and maximum of permanent loss of membership eligibility.


  • Any disciplinary actions that result from a violation of this section of the By Laws is attached to the member and the member is ineligible to be a Free Agent, even if their team disbands.


Franchise Disbanding

  • If the members are generally dissatisfied with franchise ownership or captains and 75% of the franchise decides to disband to form their own franchise it can be allowed if it passes a majority vote from the remaining regional franchise owners.


  • Franchises that resign from the Regional Tour due to disbanding will be responsible for their portion of the prize fund or until another franchise takes its place in the Regional


  • If the prize fund is not current, the disbanded franchise’s members will be banned until the prize fund is brought current, or another franchise takes its place in the Regional


  • Federation OM reserves the right to extend team fees when necessary and recuperate them from the season’s prize fund money.


  • If another franchise joins the region and wishes to replace a franchise that has resigned, they may do so. Franchises will pay the remaining balance of the prize fund and lineage. The new teams’ entering points will be based on team membership. If 50% of the old franchise comprise the new team, they will take over the point total of the old

team. If the new team is brand new, they will enter with an equal number of points to the last place team in the tour.

Intellectual Property

  • Franchise logos and art provided by the Bowling Federation are the property of Bowling


  • Franchise owners are permitted to use their logos and art for marketing of tournaments, events, and matches.


  • Franchise owners are prohibited from using their logos and art on apparel, without express permission from the Bowling Federation.



